Equmenopolis landed on SXSW EDU Launch and EXPO to showcase the latest LANGX product

Equmenopolis pitched the latest LANGX to global educators and investors at SXSW EDU Launch, and exhibited a demo at EXPO in Austin, Texas.

Yoichi Matsuyama, CEO of Equmenopolis, pitched at SXSW EDU Launch

We introduce the LANGX – An Immersive Language Experience platform, where you are immersed in real-world simulations to demonstrate your language abilities through dynamic conversations with AI characters with different backgrounds and personalities.

When you enter the LANGX universe, your first step is to be interviewed by an AI character. It can adaptively change topics ranging from simple daily-life topics to complex social issues. While talking, AI dynamically assesses your ability, and gives you personalized responses. In case you don’t understand what the AI asked, it will rephrase or clarify the questions. After the interview, you will get your final score and suggestions on what to learn next.

We are very proud that our assessment model is more accurate than a group of human experts, which takes all the possible conversational features into account in our deep model.

We exhibited the new version of LANGX at SXSW EDU EXPO, and got attentions from educators and investors. Thank you for coming to our booth!

About Equmenopolis

Equmenopolis helps people to learn, work, and enjoy themselves in the digitized society with socially-intelligent conversational AI technology.

Founded in May 2022 as a spin-out from an academic research group in Tokyo, Equmenopolis creates a highly interactive multi-purpose conversational AI agent platform and corresponding applications to support any aspects of work and education. 

Our team members possess expertise in spoken dialogue systems, natural language processing, machine learning, VR/AR, applied linguistics, architecture, and media art. More than half are doctoral degree holders. We come from diverse corners of the world,  including Japan, US, UK, Spain, France, Poland, Colombia and more.

Equmenopolis emerges at SXSW EDU

The Tokyo-based conversational AI start-up becomes a finalist at SXSW EDU Launch.

Equmenopolis Inc. (Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Yoichi Matsuyama, Ph.D) is the only East Asian company selected as a finalist in SXSW EDU Launch, a well-known EdTech startup pitch competition at SXSW (Austin, Texas, USA). 

Equmenopolis will introduce “LANGX,” a language learning service that helps people acquire English speaking skills through socially intelligent and interactive conversational AI technology.


(1) Authentic Conversations: Meet InteLLA (Intelligent Language Learning Assistant), a conversational AI agent and your English conversation partner. InteLLA reads both linguistic information from verbal responses, and non-verbal language, such as tone of voice and facial expressions. This combination creates smooth interactions closely mirroring human-human dialogue. (InteLLA runs on Equmenopolis’s conversational AI agent platform). 

(2) Dynamic Topic Adaption: To draw out a user’s full language potential, InteLLA personalizes conversations through adaptive topic selection and difficulty progression. This feature is weighed on the user’s English speaking abilities and comprehension and is achieved in real time (patent pending).  

(3) Human-expert Level Assessment: The English proficiency assessment model includes all interactive elements of conversation (voice, acoustics, speech, discourse and facial expressions), with the accuracy of evaluation approaching expert-level quality (latest research results will be published through international academic papers).

LANGX is divided into two parts, the first, “LANGX Speaking”, is an automated diagnostic speaking test that uses conversational agents (public release at SXSW EDU). The second, “LANGX Gym”, entails self-guided, bite-sized learning materials that are automatically generated based on the user’s language diagnosis of LANGX (public release in late 2023 or early 2024). 

About Equmenopolis

Equmenopolis helps people to learn, work, and enjoy themselves in the digitized society with socially-intelligent conversational AI technology.

Founded in May 2022 as a spin-out from an academic research group in Tokyo, Equmenopolis creates a highly interactive multi-purpose conversational AI agent platform and corresponding applications to support any aspects of work and education. 

Our team members possess expertise in spoken dialogue systems, natural language processing, machine learning, VR/AR, applied linguistics, architecture, and media art. More than half are doctoral degree holders. We come from diverse corners of the world,  including Japan, US, UK, Spain, France, Poland, Colombia and more.

Equmenopolis, Inc., Tokyo-based Conversational AI Agent R&D Company, Raises a Total of 450 Million Yen (Approx. $3.5 – 4M) in Seed Round

Equmenopolis, Inc. accelerates the development of a conversational AI agent platform that provides online representation for labor-intensive interpersonal service industries such as education, retail, medical, and counter services. We aim to realize a realistic conversational experience with AI evolving with humans.

Founded in May 2022 by a research group of the Perceptual Computing Laboratory at Waseda University, Equmenopolis, Inc. has received a third-party allocation of new shares from Beyond Next Ventures, Inc. (hereafter “BNV”). Additionally, the company was awarded technology-based start-up governmental fundings from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO; a related institution of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan) and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT; a related institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan). The total amount of funding is 450 million yen (approx. $3.5 – 4M),  including equity and grants.

We are developing a conversational AI agent platform to improve productivity and quality in education, retail, medical, and other labor-intensive interpersonal service industries. In 2023, the first product to fully utilize the platform will be an English conversation learning support service. The primal use of the funding will be:

  • Acceleration of platform development: To expand conversational AI agents’ conversational patterns and skills, and to realize realistic conversational experiences easily on any mobile device, including web browsers and VR/AR glasses.
  • Recruitment of researchers and engineers: To accelerate R&D, we will actively recruit researchers and engineers in the fields of dialogue systems, natural language processing, digital humans, parallel and distributed processing, virtualization, and other technologies as well as second language acquisition and applied linguistics. For more information, please visit our recruitment page (https://www.equ.ai/careers/).
  • Market expansion: All of our businesses will be sold domestically and overseas, starting with the release of our language learning support service in early 2023, with the aim of expanding into global markets beyond language barriers.


Contact Page

AI ・Artificial Intelligence EXPO 2022

Equmenopolis will be holding an exhibition at the AI & Artificial Intelligence EXPO at Tokyo Big Sight from May 11-13, 2022. We would like to invite you to visit our booth and experience a live demonstration of InteLLA, as well as learn more about our vision and our latest research accomplishments.

Exhibition Details

第6回 AI・人工知能EXPO【春】

Date: May 11 (Wed.) – 13 (Fri.), 2022, 10:00 – 18:00

Place: Tokyo Big Sight (South Exhibition Hall)

Booth No: 6-20 “Equmenopolis”

A Conversational Socially-Intelligent AI to Support Society 5.0 – The Establishment of Equmenopolis, A Waseda University startup

Conversational AI agent platform development company, founded on May 2, 2022 (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Yoichi Matsuyama)
Equmenopolis is a university-launched startup founded by a core group of researchers from the Conversational AI Media Research Group of the Green Computing Systems Research Institute at Waseda University.
“Society 5.0” is the term used for the future community in which digitalization progresses. We aim to develop a conversational AI agent platform to support and simplify human-labor intensive, face-to-face tasks which hinder many modern industries. We aim to improve business quality and productivity through the collaboration of humans and AI.



開発している会話AIエージェントプラットフォーム「LANGX」(ラングエックス;Language Experience Platform)は、ビデオ会議やメタバース環境など、様々な使用シーンでのAIエージェントとの会話体験サービスを実現するために以下のような主要機能を提供します。

  • 意図推定:音声・言語・顔画像、視線情報等を入力として特徴抽出し任意の抽象度の意図情報を認識します。
  • インタラクション制御:ユーザーが発話を継続する意図があるのか発話を終了したのかを判定する機能や、発話の被りが発生した際に解決するような機能など、タイミング制御に関わる一連の機能群を提供します。
  • 発話動作生成:対話の状態に合わせて,談話的・統語的な情報から各種ジェスチャーの軌跡を生成したり、ユーザーが発話している際に同調的な表情や頷きの生成をするなどの言語・非言語動作を生成します。
  • 会話能力判定:ユーザの会話能力を判定します。 語学学習支援アプリケーションにとどまらず、広くコミュニケーション能力判定に利用されることが期待されています。
  • Human-in-the-Loop 機械学習:会話AIエージェントサービスを実現する上での各種のパターン認識(例:意図推定や能力判定)や、対話シナリオのデータ収集を不特定多数のクラウドワーカーにタスクとして依頼して高品質のデータを生産します。
  • 対話制御:上記サービス群をオーケストレーションする対話制御サービス。 ユーザーはそれぞれのビジネスロジックに沿って対話シナリオを自動・半自動に記述し、ビデオ会議やXRのデバイスを通して会話インタラクションを実現することができます。



代表取締役の松山は、早稲田大学 基幹理工学研究科 情報理工学専攻で博士号を取得後、米国カーネギーメロン大学にてダボス会議公式バーチャルアシスタントの研究開発プロジェクトや米Google、Microsoft、Yahoo!などとの各種会話AI産学連携プロジェクトを主導し、帰国後の2019年度に早稲田大学 知覚情報システム研究所に主任研究員(研究院 准教授)として着任しました。その他経営陣には、国際経験豊かな技術経営コンサルティング出身の最高戦略責任者CSO、AI・ロボット分野の研究開発マネージャー出身の最高執行責任者COOの就任が決定しています。




当社は、早稲田大学提携VCのBeyond Next Ventures株式会社およびウエルインベストメント株式会社と共に創業準備を行ってきました。2019~2020年度にウエルインベストメントが事業プロモータをつとめたJST START事業では、社会的会話AI技術を活用したメディアサービスの事業開発を行い、2021年に開催されたBeyond Next Venturesが主催するディープテック特化型アクセラレーションプログラム「BRAVE」では、特に英会話学習支援事業のビジネスモデルのブラッシュアップが行われました。今後、2022年4月に設立された早稲田大学ベンチャーズ株式会社やスタートアップ・エコシステム形成支援事業GTIEプログラム等との連携も含め、早稲田オープンイノベーションバレー構想の一翼を担うことが期待されています。

株式会社エキュメノポリス(Equmenopolis, Inc.)

社名「エキュメノポリス」は、1960年代に夢想された「あらゆる都市がネットワーク化され、ローカル性とグローバル性が両立する理想的な世界都市」という概念「Ecumenopolis」に由来します。冒頭の2文字「EQ -」には、今後人間の共同活動者としてのAIが備えるべき「心の知能」が表現されており、Equmenopolisは「共存する電脳世界都市」を意味します。新型コロナウイルス感染症の蔓延に端を発して出現した新しい社会の局面を前にして、人間とAIが豊かに共存し価値を創造できる社会モデルを提案してまいります。

  • 代表取締役:松山 洋一
  • 本社:東京都新宿区西早稲田一丁目22番3号 アントレプレナーシップセンター内
  • 研究所:東京都新宿区早稲田27 グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究センター 3階 
  • 主な事業:会話AIエージェントプラットフォーム開発およびそのアプリケーションの開発
  • 会社サイトhttps://www.equ.ai/
  • 主な採択実績
    • 国⽴研究開発法⼈ 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)「⼈と共に進化する次世代⼈⼯知能に関する技術開発事業」(2020年度採択)
    • 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)「研究成果展開事業 大学発新産業創出プログラム(START)(2019年度採択)
    • 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)SBIRフェーズ1(2021年度採択)
    • 富士通研究所デジタルアニーラ共同研究(2021年度採択)
    • Beyond Next Ventures主催アクセラレーションプログラム「BRAVE」(2021年度採択)
  • 主な協力機関
    • 早稲田大学 グリーン・コンピューティング・システム研究機構
    • 早稲田大学 アントレプレナーシップセンター
    • Beyond Next Ventures 株式会社
    • ウエルインベストメント 株式会社
    • 早稲田大学ベンチャーズ 株式会社
    • 株式会社 早稲田大学アカデミックソリューション
    • 株式会社 e-sia
    • 株式会社 知能フレームワーク研究所
    • 株式会社 内外切抜通信社
    • オルトブリッジ・テクノロジー 株式会社
    • Choitek 合同会社
    • 山﨑企畫研究所
    • レビ設計室


InteLLA Wins Reimagine Education Award

On December 10, 2021, the InteLLA (Intelligent Language Learning Assistant) development project won the Bronze Award in the Learning Assessment Category at the QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Award 2021, one of the world’s largest educational competitions recognizing innovative educational initiatives.

Award Summary

Contest Name:QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Award 2021
Sponsors:Quarrelli Simmons (QS) and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (MBA), USA
Category and Award:Learning Assessment Category, Bronze
Announcement Date:Friday, December 10, 2021

The QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Award is one of the world’s largest educational innovation awards sponsored by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British university evaluation agency, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (MBA). The awards are comprised of multiple categories such as AI, VR/AR, E-learning, and ability assessment. Major sponsors include Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM, Microsoft, Salesforce, etc. Past winners include research from leading overseas universities such as Harvard University, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon University, as well as world-renowned educational applications.

